Key and non-key experts and the Management Team during a Programme meeting in Karlstad (Sweden)
Programme Director
Hanna Norell
Ms Hanna Norell is working with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) in the Operations section in the DRR & Early recover team. Hanna has broad experience from both the humanitarian, DRR and development field. Before joining MSB she was working for the UN, and prior to that for an EU-mission while she has her roots in the civil society, working internationally with democracy and rights issues. Hanna has extensive experience of programme management, also as country manager as she has been based in several different countries in South Asia and the Caucasus among other regions.
Team Leader*
Cvetka Tomin

Ms Cvetka Tomin is a Slovenian disaster management expert with more than twenty years of work experience and sound theoretical knowledge in the area of disaster prevention, preparedness and capacity building. Cvetka has a good record in project lead and coordination (e.g. DPPI SEE) as well as in-depth knowledge and understanding of Western Balkans and Turkey. She speaks several languages from the partner countries and has years of experience in interacting with the civil protection authorities of the EU candidate countries and potential candidates. Cvetka was involved in several projects related to disaster prevention, preparedness and response in the Balkan region and Turkey, e.g. IPA Floods, IPA CP Cooperation project II, PPRD South. This made her experienced in facilitation the improvement of disaster management structures and processes in the Balkan region in line with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.
*As of May 2019, Marco Massabò (CIMA) undertakes the role of deputy team leader.
Key Experts
Risk Assessment – Dr Roberto Rudari (CIMA)
Roberto Rudari is a professional with more than 12 years of experience in the field of environmental engineering, disaster risk reduction, risk assessment models and civil protection applications including early warning systems. As a holder of a Ph.D. in Hydraulic Engineering Roberto has a long experience in lecturing and supporting different courses; moreover he is an author and co-author of more than 100 publications: 35 in international refereed journals. While working for CIMA Foundation since 2002, Roberto has been involved in various programmes, such as the Desinventar database Implementation in Albania, Kosovo, Serbia; supporting the Italian Civil Protection Department in reorganizing the National Floods loss database in compliance with EU directives; EU loss data Working Group, IPA Cross-border Cooperation between Serbia and Romania; served as a consultant for PPRD East I in the area of risk assessment and now is a non-key expert for PPRD East II. Due to the participation in several projects in Balkan area, Roberto has aquired a thorough knowledge of the region and broad experience in development and implementation of risk assessments, strong academic and pedagogical background.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – Ms Stefania Traverso (CIMA)
Stefania Traverso is an experienced GIS Expert holding a Master’s Degree in Engineering for Environment and Land. During her 14 years of work, Stefania has gained the experience in cartographic productions for the seismic micro-zoning studies, mapping of floods and forest fires, geospatial analyses of the environmental risk due to hazardous materials transportation. Being highly motivated and personally interested in investigating response of territorial and environmental systems to extreme events by using geospatial intelligence analyses and GIS technology, Stefania started her career at CIMA Research Center in 2002 and then continued as an independent GIS Professional and GIS Advisor at CIMA Foundation, working on various projects in the field of natural risks and civil protection. Her international experience includes, among others, involvement in IPA FLOODS in the Western Balkans and Turkey as a Senior Expert, participation in the Cross-border IPA Cooperation Programme in Serbia, developing risk and vulnerability mapping in Albania within the governmental Programme for Prediction, Prevention and Mitigation of Forest Fires and Flood risk.
Non key-Experts
Anna Norlanden – Environmental Expert (MSB)
Maja Herstad – Gender expert (MSB)
Garcia Delgado Gonzalo – Monitoring and Evaluation expert (MSB)
Marco Massabò – Risk Assessment Expert and deputy team leader (CIMA)
Silvia Parisi – Media expert (DPC)
Natasa Holcinger – Expert in Preventive Measures (DUZS)